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How Should You Design Your Website To Get The Maximum Lead?

How Should You Design Your Website To Get The Maximum Lead?

Having a good website is crucial to generate leads. To create one, you need to understand what works best. Every good marketer knows that an inbound website is a hub for your core marketing efforts. And what's the main goal of an inbound marketing website? To generate leads. So whether you are considering a redesign of your current website or thinking about creating one for the first time, you'll need to start with a well-thought-out game plan that is focused on achieving your business goals. Designing your website is a major step towards treading the path of success. To design that truly amazing lead capturing website, there are three things to keep in mind before the actual design work starts.

The lead generation process typically starts when a website visitor clicks on a call-to-action (CTA) located on one of your site pages or blog posts. That CTA leads them to a landing page, which includes a form used to collect the visitor's contact information. Once the visitor fills out and submits the form, they are then led to a thank-you page. The design of the website plays an important role in lead generation. 

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How To Design Interactive Websites?

  • Identify Your Ideal Buyer Persona: The first step in designing a truly effective lead generating machine doesn’t have to do with design elements at all. It’s all about understanding who your ideal buyer persona is. Your business may cater to a few different buyers, but you probably have one that is your most profitable, loyal and gives you the least headaches.
  • Uncover Problems & Questions: While you're getting closer to starting the design portion, you first need to figure out what the main problems your ideal buyer persona experiences. Once you know what these are, find out what questions they are asking to find the solutions to their problems. By identifying your buyer persona's problems and questions, you will be in a unique position to answer these questions and provide real solutions to their problems with content on your website, blog, and offers. Your site will be more than a destination--it will be a useful destination.
  • The Thank You Pages: Oftentimes, it's the landing pages that get all the love in the lead generation process. But the thank-you page, where the visitor is led to once they submit a form on the landing page and convert into a lead, shouldn't be overlooked. Along with saying thank you, be sure to include a link for your new lead to download the offer on your thank-you page. You can also include social sharing buttons.
  • Use of Whitespace: It is advised to make ample use of whitespaces to highlight the design. It allows visitors to pay attention to the intricate details and not get distracted by words scattered here and there. For your call of action to work well and highlighted among the other content, you need to make use of whitespaces rightly. 
  • Create Timeless Content: The content that you upload should be correct, unique and timeless. You may be uploading the content today but people would be reading it long after that. You have to bear in mind that the content uploaded on your website should seem relevant irrespective of the time. The person visiting your website a couple of years from now should find it as interesting and informative as now. 

Know the Top UX Design Trends to Watch out in 2019.

Get An Attractively Designed Website For Your Company

You can make your website engaging and interactive by keeping a few points into consideration. Most of the leads are generated through your website. Therefore, make sure that the website is well organized and proportioned for the visitors to easily move from one section to the other. If you want to avail of effective web designing services, then ToXSL Technologies can provide you the most impressive solutions. Get in touch with us for more details. 

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