48 K+
Registered Doctors

Specialties Catered

$225 M+
Funding Raised

6 M+
Registered Customers

Launch a Modernized Healthcare Business By Doctor Appointment App Development Solutions
Connect with doctors and get consultation through video, audio, or text anywhere at any time. The apps act as a bridge to connect patients with doctors in less time.
Get Online Consultation At Ease With Practo Clone-Like App
Allow users to take consultation with doctors or therapists with unparalleled flexibility in scheduling or rescheduling appointments.

Practo Clone App For Unique Enterprise-Ready Solution

Multiple Language
Users are allowed to choose any language, as multiple languages are integrated into the app.

Multiple Pricing Models
Allow users to use versatile pricing methods such as fixed price models or hour-based models.

User Panel
Users have the flexibility to book services with the same features and functionings as per their comfort.
Advanced Features of Patient App
Build a Comprehensive Solution for Your Marketplace App

Control Your Websites And Mobile Apps With Consultation Marketplace Management
Our Healthcare App Workflow
Own an efficient and functional Practo Clone App with the help of our experts.
Our experts sit together and analyze all the requirements. They look for possibilities, expectations, and design details.
App Planning
Our team provides a detailed outline of all stages that will go under the development process, facilitating a seamless development.
Design & Development
Developers create a sample before moving ahead with the development process and help in the successful completion of the app.
QA Assurance
Our team ensures that you get the highest quality of apps. Your app goes through a lot of testing processes before finalizing the product.
Maintenance and Support
We offer support and full-fledged maintenance. In case of any issues, you can contact us.
Advanced Doctor App Features

Why Choose ToXSL For Practo App Development?
We are a leading healthcare app development company. Our scalable and customized solutions help you revolutionize the healthcare industry and enhance your revenue.

Scalable & Flexible Apps

24/7 Customer Support

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