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A Comprehensive Guide to Develop a Bike-Sharing App

A Comprehensive Guide to Develop a Bike-Sharing App

In highly populated cities four-wheelers contribute to the major traffic jams, roadblocks, and congestions which is one of the biggest stoppages in the everyday commute. The world is now going back to the golden times and after taxi-sharing, the bike-sharing apps are gaining momentum. This service is getting massive attention from the crowd as it is cost-effective and easy to use.

The bike-sharing platform is now considered as an alternate mode of transportation and whether it is a long trip or other small trips around the city, it is getting prominence everywhere.

Many companies have started to launch bike-rental mobile apps that offer a sustainable environment, lessens vehicle pollution, and hence contribute to less traffic on the roads. As people opt for such solutions, this offers scope for more new apps in the market!

What is the Bike Rental Mobile Apps?

Bike rental apps are similar to Taxi Booking Apps where the user can install the app from PlayStore or AppStore. Once the user downloads the application they can create their profiles by registering themselves with all the details. After this is done, the user can check for the bikes in proximity and book as per their time and preference. The app then displays an estimated amount that the user would have to pay. If the user is fine with the price they can book the app and enjoy their ride!

The Trend of On-demand Bike Sharing App 

The sustainable option for the commute not only reduces the density of pollutants but also helps to follow a better fitness regime. Since 2014, the public-usage bikes were just limited to 700,000 But in 2016, it saw massive growth and the number tripled over and became 218.2 million.

The market for bike users was 581.9 million US Dollars in the year 2020 and is expected to reach 935.2 million by 2023. Here is the graph for your reference.



How does the Bike Rental Apps work?

1. Aggregator Model

This is a platform for bike owners or companies who want to register their bikes on such platforms. This is a commission-based model where the bike owner is paid when someone takes a ride on their bike, whereas the bike owner pays some amount to the app owner for displaying their bikes on their site.

2. Self-owned fleet

This is a platform where there is a single owner only. The owner has to invest money to develop the platform first and buy the bikes to put up on the rent. This is a great idea where the person can put up the bikes on rent in exchange for money- on an hourly or daily basis.

Many startups are considering this option as they have a limited budget and getting the app developed and the business is easily manageable.


Why are the On-demand Bike Apps so popular?

 1. Offer Affordable Rates

The on-demand ride-sharing app offers the most cost-effective services and contributes to reducing pollution to a great extent. Using bike-sharing services during the congestion helps the users to reach their destination quickly at reasonable rates.

2. User-Friendly

The ride-sharing app offers easy-to-use and automation that makes it easier for the users to quickly book their rides without any hassle. Also, the bikes are easier to drive than the cars and do not require many pieces of training to be done. 

3. Third-Party Integration

You can integrate different kinds of operations, payment modes, infrastructure, and more. With all these interesting features it becomes easier for the users to use the application. 

4. Robust Network

The app offers a robust and well-connected network of bikes that helps to boost user engagement. Our bike sharing app development company offers in-built features where they can make it easier for the users to pick up and drop. 

5. Local Authority Support

One of the most crucial reasons that lead to the success of any business is the local authority support. Since these bikes are eco-friendly they have complete local support as well.


Monetization Opportunities in Bike Rental Apps

1. Advertisements

This is one of the most common ways to boost up earnings. This monetization model allows the third party to contact the app owner and pay them a suitable amount. The owner can collaborate with various brands and products for their promotion in exchange for money. The owner can charge the third party a commission based on the products or services clicked on their platform.

2. Commissions

When the booking is made under the aggregator model, there is an amount of revenue generated to the owner of the app. This income is earned through the bike owner where they pay a commission to the app owner.

The users are also supposed to pay the service fee to the owner of the app to avail the services on their platform. The app owner can also charge a cancellation fee for the users who cancel the booking before availing of the services.


Want to schedule a free consultation for on-demand app development? Talk to our experts.


Most Common Features of Bike Sharing Application

For users

1. Find Bikes Anytime, Anywhere

This is one of the significant feature offered by the bike-sharing app is that allows the user to find the bike anytime and anywhere. The individual can search for the bike in proximity and don’t have to go to the far stations to lease the bike.

2. Pre-Booking

This is the most recommended feature that allows the user to book the services in advance. With this feature, the user can book the services prior so that there when they are leaving to offices, school, or other destinations they are not late to reach their destination.

3. Lock/Unlock bike via bike number

As soon the user finds their bike they should be able to unlock it by simply tapping the button and scan QR.

4. Secure Payments

Paying for the service should be simpler as possible. After the service is done, bike riders should be able to make the payment via integrated payment gateways. If there is a coupon they can enter the details and mark down the payments. 

5. Round the clock support

The customer should be offered round-the-clock support. That may be via chat or call options. 

6. Review and Ratings

The user should be able to add the reviews and rate the services as per their service experience. 


For Admin 

1. Manage Prices

The admin can vary the rental prices of the vehicles as per the demands.

2. Manage Bikes

The admin should be able to manage the bikes that are already booked so that it is not booked twice.

3. Ongoing offers and coupons

The admin should be able to manage the coupons and offers as per the requirement.

4. Reviews and Rating Management

The admin should be able to add the reviews and rate the services as per their service experience. 

5. Chat Support Management

The admin should be able to manage and support the customers via chat support options.


Other Advanced Features

1. Behavior Tracking

It is one of the most crucial features that allows the owners to make decisions for giving their bikes on rent. It helps to track the user behavior for future purposes.

2. Push Notifications

This feature allows the admin and the app owner to keep them informed about the new product or service launched. Also, the user is notified of any offers and discounts are going on services.

3. Real-Time Analytics

This allows the admin to control the functioning of the app and its business. It gives a detailed insight into how the business flourishes.

4. In-app Document Scanning

Since the user needs to upload their documents such as identity proof or license before taking the bike, there should be an integrated document scanning feature that helps them to upload scanned documents.


How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Bike Sharing App?

The primary question that comes to everyone's mind is- how much does it cost to develop a Bike-sharing app? Since there are a lot of factors that contribute to the estimating of the amount spent on the development of the app and the most crucial ones include:

  1.  Admin Panel
  2. User Panel
  3. Platform
  4. Design
  5. API development, etc.


Winding Up!

The bike applications are back again and mostly liked by the users as it helps to reduce the environmental trouble and makes their commute easy. It is the most dominant concept of the future.

If you are planning to develop a bike-rental application for your business. remember to hire the best mobile app development company. ToXSL is one of the leading and pioneering web-app development companies where we build a robust, scalable, and innovative technology solution. Feel free to get in touch and get the quote!


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